Why did I get banned?
Bans are placed on accounts based on multiple reasons such as inappropriate content, griefing, cheating, inactivity, or verbal abuse. Each report is reviewed by a moderator before action is taken. Any action is based on the World’s Edge Code of Conduct and the Xbox Community Standards.
The ban type and duration will show up as a pop up in-game and in notifications. The type and length of ban depends on the type of report, severity of issue and previous history of disciplinary action on the account. While most bans are temporary, we may permanently suspend access to chat, multiplayer services or game access due to a severe violation or repeated negative behaviors, or other actions associated with the account.
Please use the Contact Support link to contact our team with any questions about what is consider acceptable (and unacceptable) behavior or to appeal a ban.
How to appeal a ban
If you would like more information about a ban placed on your account or would like to appeal the action, use the Contact Support link to contact our team.