If you have experienced behavior that does not uphold the World’s Edge Code of Conduct there are several locations to report this in-game and through Support. Each report includes an option to choose a behavior type and include additional comments about the behavior.
If you are reporting a player we would also like to suggest that you block the offender to help prevent further issues.
Report in-game:
Use the report icon, which is located in several places in-game including: |
Player profile:Click on a player's portrait and then chose the Report icon in the top right corner. During a match:Use the 'Esc' key and choose 'Player List' and then click on the player's icon. At the end of a match:The Report icon will be next to the player's name in the Overview section. |
Report through Support:
If a report needs more information than can be provide in-game, use the Contact Support link to contact our team. Please include only one player per report and as much information as possible including:
- Your Steam ID or Gamertag.
- Reported player's Steam ID or Gamertag (if available).
- Date and time of incident.
- Screenshots or video of the behavior.
- Replay files (if available).
What happens with the report?
These reports are reviewed by a moderator and action is taken based on the World’s Edge Code of Conduct.
If action is taken based on the report, then you will receive an in-game notification. Please be aware that we are unable to share the exact outcome of an investigation regarding a reported player due to privacy concerns.
If no action is taken, an in-game notification will also be sent. This can happen if behavior was unable to be verified or was not found be in violation of the Code of Conduct.