To begin modifying a unit for a tuning pack, you must first clone it from the base game statistics found in the Entity Blueprints.
In this example, we will be cloning a spearman to later make changes to it for our tuning pack.
Tuning Packs Video
For a video guide on working with tuning packs, see: Age of Empires IV: Tuning Packs
1) Open the EBPS Editor
From the Main Menu, open Attributes and select EBPS.
This will open the EBPS (Entity Blueprints) editor where all the unit statistics are located.
Once the EBPS editor is open, notice your tuning pack mod is located at the bottom of the list.
It is currently empty, which means it is not modifying any unit stats.
Let's fill it with something.
Manually Load Tuning Pack
If your Attributes menu does not look like the image above, that is because your mod is not currently loaded in the attribute editor.
Find your mod file (YOURMODNAME.xml) in the File Explorer on the left side of your screen. Then Left-Click and Drag it onto the Render View. Your mod will then be loaded.
Your Attributes menu should now look like the example above.
2) Find the Spearman
The base unit stats in the game cannot be modified. To get something we can edit, we first need to go into the game data and clone a unit.
Navigate to: Attributes > Races > French > Units and select: unit_spearman_1_fre.
This is the basic dark age French spearman.
3) Clone the Spearman
Now we have found the unit we want to edit, we need to make our own copy.
Right-Click the spearman and select Clone...
A dialog interface will appear to confirm your clone settings.
You may add anything you wish to the description field.
DO NOT modify the file name. Age of Empires IV only overwrites units in your tuning pack that share a file name with a core unit. If the names to not match, the old unit will not be overwritten.
When cloning a unit, you may add a Description, which serves as a note to yourself that allows you to differentiate this cloned unit from the rest.
Assure both the Clone LocStrings and Clone Override Parent Settings are checked and press OK.
- Clone LocStrings ensures that the text data is copied correctly so that the unit name and description match the unit you cloned from.
- Clone Override Parent Settings assures your new unit will overwrite the old one.
- Clone Specific Extensions makes it so only the changed values will appear, leaving the rest alone.
Cloning High Tier Units
When cloning a unit that is a 2nd tier or higher, it is recommended you check the box Clone Override Parent Settings. When checked, this will prevent the higher tier unit from inheriting the stats from the lower tier predecessor units, for example, an Imperial Age Spearman inheriting the stats from a Dark Age Spearman.
If this box is un-checked, the cloned Imperial Age Spearman will automatically be given the stats of Dark Age Spearman since they are normally inherited from that base unit.
It is recommended you keep this box checked unless you wish to have the unit inheritance active.
4) Your New Spearman
Your new cloned French spearman now appears in your mod folder.
Note the filepath also matches that of the core game.
To continue this tutorial, proceed to: Example 2 - Modifying Unit Cost