Crafted maps allow you to create or modify all aspects of a map, including the terrain, starting locations, wildlife, resources, and other elements. Crafted maps are saved in a single state and are the same each time they are loaded.
To create a new Crafted Map, follow the steps below.
1: Open the Editor
When you first open the content editor, you will see the screen shown below. Any map or scenario you have recently worked on will appear in the Open Recent area.
To create a new map, select Create A New Mod.
2: Select Mod Type
This screen prompts you to pick the type of mod you wish to create.
Select Crafted Map and press Next.
3: Enter Map Name and Generation Method
This screen allows you to set your map's name and generation method.
Enter your Crafted Map Name. Only you can see this name, and it is primarily used as the file name so you can tell your maps apart.
The Display Name is what other players will see when you publish your map. You can choose the same name you entered above, or enter a different name, whichever you wish.
For your first map, we recommend selecting the [Beginner] option to create a new map using a pre-generated base map.
The other recommended method, if you want more control over your base starting map, is the selecting the [Intermediate] option to use the Terrain Layout Tool to manually create your base map.
Once you are finished naming your map and selecting your generation method, press Next.
4 (Option 1): Set Map Parameters
If you selected the Generated Map option in the previous step, the next screen screen allows you to set the parameters for generating your map.
- Layout defines the general landscape arrangement of your new map.
- Biome sets the environment art style of your new map.
- Size dictates the size of the map and how many starting positions will be generated.
Once you have set your map generation parameters, press Next.
4 (Option 2): Terrain Layout Tool
If you selected the Terrain Layout Tool option in the previous step, the Terrain Layout tool will open.
This tool allows you to "paint" a grid with a selection of terrain types. This grid will be used as a blueprint to generate your map. If you want a more detailed grid with smaller squares, use the Resize function in the top left of the interface to define a new grid size.
You can also set the Biome and Size of your map.
For a more in-depth guide to using the Terrain Layout Tool, see the: Terrain Layout Tool Guide
Once you are finished creating your map grid and selecting its biome and size, press Next.
5: Description and Generate
This screen allows you to enter a description for your map.
Enter your Mod Description into the field provided. This description will be displayed underneath your map for other players to see.
Once you have entered a description, press Finish.
6: Begin Editing!
Your map will now be generated using the method you selected.
Once your map finishes loading, it is ready for editing.
Happy modding!