Where can I find replays in-game?
Click on your Portrait in the lower left corner of the main menu. Go to Match History which is on the left side of the window that opens. From there click on the video icon directly next to each match or click into the match details and choose View Replay.
Share History
The Match History section also has a toggle to Share History. This allows you to opt into sharing your match history with other Age IV players or keep it hidden. If another player is sharing their history, then we you be able to see details and replays from their past matches.
How many replays are saved to my account?
Match History and replays are limited to the last 10 matches you've played.
Replay no longer available
The message "Due to a recent update, the replay is no longer available" comes up if a replay file is no longer playable after an update. We do our best to minimize impacts on replays so not every update will affect replays. If an update or patch will affect replays then it will be highlighted in the blog article. Age IV blog articles are posted on our website here.