In some circumstances, a user's Age of Empires forum profile may not reflect their rewards as an Age Insider. Please follow the below troubleshooting steps to assist in resolving the issue for your account:
🛠️ Check that you are using the same Microsoft account to sign into the forums as your Age of Empires Insider account.
You can confirm this by comparing the gamertag on your Age Insider profile with your username on the Age of Empires forums. They should be the same. If they are not, then you have created two (2) separate accounts and will need to choose which one you would prefer, and re-sign-up with the correct account.
🛠️ Fully log-out of the forums from all devices.
After you have logged out, delete your browser’s cache and cookies, and then sign into the forums again. Generally speaking, changes in permissions on the forums occur during next sign-in.
🛠️ Contact Customer Support
If you need further assistance, please use the Contact Support form to reach out to Support.