All Age Insiders are granted a special Badge & Title to show off their Insider status as part of the Benefits of the Insider Program. After becoming an Age Insider, and creating a forums account, you can use the steps below to claim and activate your rewards!
Additionally, as an Age Insider, you might also be invited to participate in one or more preview opportunities. Beyond getting to test out a product before its release, some of our preview opportunities may come with an additional reward: a badge and title that you can display on your Age of Empires Forums profile.
Activating Your Badge & Title:
- When Badges & Titles from preview opportunities are available, we will post an announcement on the Forums, in the Insider News & Info category.
- If you participated in any qualifying preview opportunities for one or more badges and/or titles, then please log-out of the forums and re-login to claim your reward. Badge & title rewards are granted upon next login to the forums. After logging in, your Badge & Title should appear in your Preferences (see steps below).
Switching Forum Badges & Titles:
- Login to the Age Forums
- Click on your profile icon in the top-right
- Select Preferences (person icon)
- Then Preferences (gear icon)
- Scroll down to the Title & Flair sections
- Use the dropdown menu to select the title and badge you want displayed on your account
- Click Save Changes
Frequently Asked Questions:
- You can have only one (1) badge and one (1) title active at a time.
- Badges & titles are announced as rewards for preview opportunities closer to release of the title, and not every preview opportunity will qualify. When badges & titles become available for claiming, we will announce them on the forums, in the Insiders News & Info section, and mention which past preview opportunities qualified.
- To claim badge & title rewards, you must have an Age Forums account using the same Gamertag & Xbox Live account as the Age Insider account that was invited to the preview opportunity.
- Opting out of the Age Insider program, or violating the NDA, will result in permanent loss of these rewards.
If you need further assistance with your Badge and/or Title, please use the Submit a Request form to contact Customer Support