At its highest level, the Age Insider NDA & Guidelines allow us to share information with you: our loyal fans and community. We want to involve you in the game-making process, hear your feedback, and work together on an awesome game! That involvement requires mutual trust and respect.
Your invitation to participate in a preview is our acknowledgement that we trust you with confidential information about an unfinished product, and that we value your feedback and contribution to the game and the community as a whole. Leaking this information, or discussing aspects of features, gameplay, or experiences in the preview, makes it harder for us to share information and get feedback in the future.
Violations take time away from our team for processing, hamper our ability to invite more participants into the preview, and in some instances, show that the individual does not value the other participants in the Age Insider program nor the Age community at large.
We love this community and these games; we want to continue sharing them with you and cooperating on their improvement. These are the fundamental reasons why our team takes the Age Insider NDA & Guidelines seriously.