If you have a Steam account, you can claim the trial of Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition for free or purchase and add Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition (Base Game) to your library on Steam.
Note that unlocking the game on Steam does not automatically unlock the game in the Microsoft Store, though both games will be able to play cross-platform without issue.
If the game is not showing up as available, please restart Steam and check again.
Where can I purchase the Base game?
Want access to all the civilizations and features? The Base Game can be purchased here!
Will the free trial version be available on Windows Store?
This will be available on Steam only. Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition Base game is available for free via Game Pass!
I already own the Base game, will this affect me?
This will not impact current Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition owners. However this will be the chance to invite friends and new players to try it out!
Will ranked be available in the free trial version?
Ranked is available only in the Base game, which can be purchased here.
Will free Trial players be able to play with players who own the Base game?
Yes, Trial game players can play with Base game owners, and both game owner types can host multiplayer games.
If Trial players hosts a multiplayer game, they can choose from the limited set of maps available to host on. If a Base game owner hosts, any owned maps can be chosen for the map, and Trail game players can join the game even if they don't own the map.