If you have experienced behavior that does not uphold the World’s Edge Code of Conduct there are report buttons are in several locations in game such in chat, the lobby browser, in-game, and the post-game. Each report includes an option to choose a behavior type and include additional comments about the behavior.
If you are reporting a player we would also like to suggest that you block the offender to help prevent further issues.
Report in-game:
Use the report icon, which is located in several places in-game including chat, the lobby browser, in-game, and the post-game. |
Report through Support:
If a report needs more information than can be provide in-game, use the Contact Support link to contact our team. Please include only one player per report and as much information as possible including:
- Your Steam ID or Gamertag.
- Reported player's Steam ID or Gamertag (if available).
- Date and time of incident.
- Screenshots or video of the behavior.
- Replay files (if available).
What happens with the report?
These reports are reviewed by a moderator and action is taken based on the World’s Edge Code of Conduct.