Although Age of Empires IV is built to run on any PC that meets the minimum specifications, not all game settings are suited for every machine. If you are experiencing performance issues while playing, or receiving an error warning that your game settings are too high, please try the following steps:
🛠 Lower in-game Graphics Settings
Please note that some game settings can only be adjusted outside of a match and may require restarting the application to take effect.
- Go to Settings from the Main Menu (Gear Icon in the bottom-right)
- Go to the Graphics tab from the left-side menu
- Try lowering the following settings to see if they improve your game performance:
- Image Quality
- Lighting Quality
- Texture Detail
- Geometry Detail
- Save changes
- Close the game and restart it after applying these adjustments
🛠 If your Documents folder syncs to OneDrive, Temporarily Disable Syncing
The game stores some files to Documents > My Games > Age of Empires IV, so if your OneDrive is syncing items from your Documents folders it could disrupt gameplay.
- In the taskbar, left click on the OneDrive icon (blue cloud)
- Click on Help & Settings
- In the pop-up, choose Pause Syncing
- Select the best timeframe that suits your needs
- Launch the game and see if performance improves
If you need to resume OneDrive functions before the selected timeframe is up, you can follow these same steps, and select Resume Syncing instead of Pause Syncing.
🛠 Try some of our Other Game Optimization Tips
Try some of our general Game Optimization Tips to see if they improve your experience.