The Scenario Tree panel contains the data for everything currently in your level, including objects, trees, grass, lighting effects, smoke effects, audio regions, players, starting positions, and similar entities currently on your map.
By default, this panel is located to the left of the Render View.
Displaying the Scenario Tree
If the Scenario Tree is not displaying in the editor, it can be manually opened by performing the following steps:
In the Asset Explorer, find your map's .scenario file.
Left Click on the .scenario file and drag it onto the Render View.
This will cause the map information to re-load into your current scenario, rebuilding and re-populating your Scenario Tree with the assets on your map. -
The Scenario Tree will now be visible to the left of the Render View again.
Scenario Tree Contextual Panel
Clicking on anything in the Scenario Tree will bring up a panel along the bottom of the interface that contains the functions and information related to whatever you clicked on.
This panel is contextual, with the content and controls changing depending on the type of element selected. If nothing is selected, this panel will not appear.
Scenario Tree Tool Bar
The scenario tree Tool Bar appears along the top of the Scenario Tree panel.
This bar is extensive, and contains a large number of functions related to editing areas of your map.
Because they are so numerous, most of these controls will not be visible along the top of the Scenario Tree, and are accessed through the Expand button in the top-right corner of the panel.
Along the top of the Scenario Tree are a number of core functions that are always visible.
These are from left-to right.
Default Mode
Default Mode is the standard mode for viewing a map.
It eliminates the normal Fog of War that shrouds vision on the map, allowing you to see and select any entity on the map.
Fog of War Mode
Fog of War mode will turn on the Fog of War, only revealing the immediate area around your cursor.
When in Fog of War mode, a special FoV panel will appear along the bottom of the interface, allowing you to adjust the size of your sight revealing cursor.
Ruler Mode
When active, this mode will allow you to see the distance between two points.
- Right-Click to place the first marker (blue)
- Left-Click to place the second marker (red)
On flat terrain, the measurement tool will draw a yellow line between the two points that will avoid impassable areas, showing where units can path.
When Ruler Mode is active, a special Rule panel will appear along the bottom of the screen that contains a number of controls related to the ruler tool.
- Generic - Shows how a standard unit will path. The sliders allow you to adjust the type and size of this hypothetical unit.
- Entity - Shows how a specific unit will path. The entity can be chosen from the given list.
- Straight Line - Shows the exact distance between the two points.
- Elevation Delta - The elevation distance between the two points.
- Pathfinding - Shows the distance a unit will have to travel beteen the two points.
- Show Edge - shows the direct line between the two points, appearing a a blue line.
- Show Path - shows the unit path between the two points, appearing as a yellow line
Terrain Mode
Allows you to draw a box on your map to copy and/or move everything that is selected in the box.
Name Selected Blueprint
Allows you to name the blueprint you currently have selected.
Regenerate All
Will regenerate all Impassable and Non-Buildable areas after you have made edits.
For example, if you move a building, resource, or terrain slope, this will assure that all areas that are impassable and non-buildable are correctly generated.
You must save the map before the effects of these changes will appear in the editor.