The Asset Explorer is where all the source working assets for your map are stored, such as materials, textures, and scenarios are found within the editor. Essentially, the Asset Explorer acts identically to Windows File Explorer for viewing these assets, and both these file explorers will have the same content within them.
Opening a file through the Asset Explorer allows you to open its contents into the the file into the Render View to make edits to them.
By default, the Asset Explorer appears along the right side of the Content Editor interface.
Displaying the Asset Explorer
If the Asset Explorer is not displayed, it can be opened manually through the Main Menu under: View > Asset Explorer.
Asset Explorer Layout
The Asset Explorer panel contains a number of basic functions.
The Search Field along the top of the panel will allow you to focus the folder or file content.
Folders can be expanded and collapsed to display information.
Functions of Asset Explorer
The main function of the Asset Explorer is to Left-Click and drag items from the file structure onto the Render View to open their contents.
In the example below, you can see minimap being loaded.
If you close your map scenario by accident, you can re-load it by dragging and dropping the .scenario file in the Asset Explorer onto the Render View.
Asset Explorer vs Object Browser
It is important to not mistake the Asset Explorer with the Object Browser. You cannot place assets from the Asset Explorer into a scene in the same way you can with the Object Browser. Instead, dragging an fbx or rgo file into the render window will simply open the file in the Render Window.